SEDO-Togo 2022 activities recap / Aktivitäten SEDO-Togo 2022

Project “1 Child, 1 Dictionary”   Projekt „1 Kind, 1 Wörterbuch“  Thanks to a fundraiser at the Friedrich Schiller High School Ludwigsburg we were able to contribute 1.000€ to the project ”1 child, 1 dictionary” by our partner “Lonlon Nyigba – Terre d’Amour“. With that, 200 more students have received their own dictionary, which raises […]

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SEDO-Togo 2021 activities recap / Aktivitäten SEDO-Togo 2021

Sponsorship of the 3 youngest children of a Family Patenschaft für die 3 jüngsten Kinder einer Familie Some of our members are jointly sponsoring the 3 youngest children of the Afangbédji family. Our French-Togolese partner association “Lonlon Nyigba – Terre d’Amour“ is also involved in this important sponsorship. Einige Mitglieder des Vereins haben gemeinsam eine […]

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SEDO-Togo 2020 activities recap / Aktivitäten SEDO-Togo 2020

Registered association in Germany   Eingetragener Verein in Deutschland  After the founding meeting has taken place in December 2019, SEDO Togo is an officially registered association in Germany since February.The Friedrich Schiller High School in Ludwigsburg cooperates with SEDO Togo. Nachdem im Dezember 2019 die Gründungsversammlung stattgefunden hat, ist SEDO Togo e.V. seit Februar ein eingetragener […]

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Run for the victims of the flood and SEDO Togo / Laufen für die Flutopfer und SEDO Togo e.V. 2020

The student representation’s charity run developed into more than an entertaining addition to the presentations in the school building and on the schoolyard. Many students accepted the offer and made their rounds around the school campus or tried their hand at the newly installed pull-up bars. The sweat ran hot from the foreheads like with […]

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SEDO-Togo 2018 activities recap / Aktivitäten SEDO-Togo 2018

In addition to our meetings and visits to Agové to deliver donations to the sponsored children (both at least monthly), we organized the following activities in 2018:   Zusätzlich zu unseren Versammlungen und den Besuchen bei den Patenkindern in Agové, um ihnen Spenden zu bringen (beides mindestens monatlich), haben wir 2018 folgende Aktivitäten organisiert:   […]

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